Red Yeti - Jeffersonville, IN


Red Yeti is a Pub in downtown New Albany, Indiana.


Outdoor seating is available at a decent quantity. About half a dozen tables are spread out on the sidewalk area in front of the entrance, all with umbrellas set up over them. Spacing is decent, and should allow a low-vision person enough space to maneuver using a cane, if necessary. Lighting in this area at night is extremely limited, however, so use caution, a light, or a guide at your own discretion.


Depending on the time of day, lighting can be anywhere from adequate to poor. There are windows in the front of the building which allow light to enter the dining and bar areas, but the length of the establishment prevents this light from reaching the back of the space at any time of day.

In the dining area, space is limited between the tables. If multiple tables have patrons who are very tall or enjoy spreading out, you will likely run into them as you pass by, and will definitely run into them if you use a mobility cane. I would recommend getting assistance from a friend or the hostess, if necessary.

The bar area is slightly more well lit than the dining area due to its smaller size. The few tables in this area are also closely spaced, but the bar itself is more open. A word of warning: there is a divider between the bar area and the dining area in the form of a banister that is placed in the middle of doorway path between the two areas. This will be a point of hazard for any low-vision patrons whose issues include reduced peripheral or low-light vision.

Menus (Food / Drinks)

The menus, particularly the printed drink menu, are printed in a very small font that is difficult to read, even for a normally-sighted person. Most troubling about this is that when asked about a larger print menu, two different servers on two separate occasions have commented that a lot of people have commented about the difficult to read menus, but nothing larger is available. That said, servers have always been patient with going over food and drink options, be they specials or everyday offerings.

What I Ate / What I Drank

Red Yeti offers a standard pub fare. Of particular note are their Truffle Fries. My fiancée and I make a point of trying French fries made in Truffle Oil at any restaurant or bar that offers them, and of the dozen or so that we've tried, Red Yeti has the best. They use fresh potatoes, fry them well, and when ordered as an appetizer smother them in garlic and parmesan.

The Bathroom

The bathroom is non-communal. Lighting is somewhat limited, but with it being an individual setup, it will be easier to use assistive technology without drawing undue attention.

Getting to the bathroom shouldn't prove to be difficult. It is down a hallway past the bar area. Again, lighting is limited, but with its proximity to the bar and kitchen, there will likely be a Red Yeti employee nearby who will be able to assist you if necessary.

Words of Caution!

There is a bannister in the middle of the path connecting the bar and dining areas. It can be very easy to miss, particularly at night. This bannister is shown in the first picture on this review.

Final Verdict

Red Yeti is definitely very navigable with a guide, and depending on your level of disability may be manageable alone. In my time there, the staff has been very helpful and understanding whenever I have needed assistance finding a seat or reading the menus.

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