Garage Bar - Louisville, KY


Garage Bar is an indoor/outdoor bar in downtown Louisville, KY.


Outdoor seating is very plentiful here. The setup is that of an old-style Service Station, so many of the seats are covered. Seating options include benches, hay bales, and standard picnic tables.

In addition to seating, there are ping-pong tables and cornhole boards available for patron use.

With only some cover, outdoor lighting during the day is adequate. The outdoor area is artificially lit at night, but patrons who have difficulty seeing in the dark may have some trouble. There is also an outdoor bar attached to the left side of the building, outside the indoor bar. This bar was not open during my visit, so I assume it is open during peak times on busy nights.


The inside of the restaurant is very open: one large room, with a small room just off to the side at the front. The bar area is on the left side of the large room, and is easily accessible from multiple angles.

Menus (Food / Drinks)

The available print menus are printed in an adequately-sized standard font and are mostly readable. Their draft menu is written on a chalkboard behind the bar. As an additional note, all of their menus (save the current draft menu) are available on their website in PDF form.

What I Ate / What I Drank

Food-wise, the primary offerings here are specialty pizzas, with a decent variety of appetizers. During my visit, I opted for the roasted turkey legs, which were a bit greasy, but overall a very excellent dish. They were a bit difficult to eat under somewhat low-light circumstances, so I would recommend having a "spotter" if you decide to eat them as a visually-impaired person.

The Bathroom

The Garage Bar's bathrooms are unisex and accommodate one person at a time. There are two of these individual bathrooms located in the back of the main bar area. The path to these bathrooms is well-lit.

Words of Caution!

Stepping into the main indoor area, the floor has a several inches tall raised area that is very easy to trip over. Be sure to step high enough to avoid this.

Final Verdict

The spacious outdoor seating is very welcoming for those with difficulty navigating crowded interior spaces. However, the most efficient way of getting food and especially drinks is to go to the bar, which requires some care navigation. I would recommend bringing a friend/companion to help purchase drinks.

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